About Medithings

About Medithings

Meet our CEO

Dr. Aram Kim  CEO

건국대학교 비뇨의학과 교수

국내 유일 신경인성 방광클리닉 운영

방송/미디어 다수 출연

Dr. Aram Kim is a professor and urological surgeon at Konkuk University Hospital. 
He currently operates the sole neurogenic bladder clinic in Korea. After years of witnessing the struggles that his patients endure every day, he is passionate to find a solution to improve the lives of people who are suffering from bladder incontinence. He has also appeared in several television and news media interviews to bring awareness to neurogenic bladder challenges.

Prof. Sehwan Kim  CEO/CTO

단국대학교 의예과 교수

단국대학교 산학협력단 부단장

단국대학교 창업보육센터장

Prof. Sehwan Kim is a professor at Dankook University Medical School.

He is Chief Technical officer of our company. 

He is responsible for overseeing technology-related activities within the company and making the final decisions.

Meet our CEO

Aram Kim, Sehwan Kim

Dr. Aram Kim is a professor and urological surgeon at Konkuk University Hospital. 

He currently operates the sole neurogenic bladder clinic in Korea. After years of witnessing the struggles that his patients endure every day, he is passionate to find a solution to improve the lives of people who are suffering from bladder incontinence. He has also appeared in several television and news media interviews to bring awareness to neurogenic bladder challenges.

Prof. Sehwan Kim is a professor at Dankook University Medical School.

He is Chief Technical officer of our company. 

He is responsible for overseeing technology-related activities within the company and making the final decisions.


Byeongil Kang
Head of R&D

Jungsoo Ryoo
Principal Research Engineer

Hyunseok Shin
Senior Research Engineer

Junghoon Kim
Senior Research Engineer

Seunghee Han
Associate Research Engineer

Eunji Won
Research Engineer

Jinwook Kim
Head of Business Strategy Division

Kiok Kim
Senior Coordinator

Minseok Lee
Head of Manufacturing Technology Division


Byeongil Kang

Head of R&D

Jungsoo Ryoo

Principal Research Engineer

Hyunseok Shin

Senior Research Engineer

Junghoon Kim

Senior Research Engineer

Seunghee Han

Assosiate Research Engineer

Eunji Won

Research Engineer

Jinwook Kim

Head of Business Strategy Div.

Minseok Lee

Head of Manufacturing Technology Div.

Kiok Kim

Senior Coordinator


Many companies have invested in the future of Medithings.